About Us
The Gore Kids Hub provides a one-stop-shop of support services for families with pre-school children.
Vision & Philosophy
Our vision supports the wellbeing and education of adults and their children while the children learn, develop and form friendships; and encourages collaboration between organisations to ensure that families in the Gore District have access to everything they need to support them in their journey as a family.

Our philosophy is for all groups to work together to provide a safe, stimulating and fun environment where families are supported and encouraged to learn about and contribute to their children’s development. Children will be provided with a range of equipment and experiences to explore and play.

Shared Values
We are an inclusive environment that is fun and friendly for families.
We are supporting families to build relationships and engage in social opportunities.
We provide valuable moments and opportunities for our children and families.
We role model to our children how to be contributing members of a community.
The Kids Hub Journey
August 2014 – The Gore Kids Hub Charitable Trust was formed. It was comprised of four members from each organisation and was considered operational in nature. The focus was on fundraising $1.8 million and building the facility.
February 2016 – The Gore Kids Hub was officially opened and operational. The Trust still maintained a operational focus as there was still a considerable amount to fundraise for the public playground and each organisation was finding its feet in a shared space.
Sept 2016 – Car Park extension funding successful from Community Trust South. Car park extension put in.
August 2017 – The Trust collectively took part in a process to learn more about operational and governance roles with the view to continue this process ourselves.
October 2017 – Workshop around a shared vision and values across all the organisations in the Kids Hub.
December 2017 – Trust restructured with some members stepping off, constitution reworded to reflect a governance role rather than a operational role. The Trust composition changed to one representative from each organisation (Playcentre, Toy Library, Parents Centre) known as the Kids Hub Representative. There was up to five other members able to be on the Trust with the provision to co-opt specific jobs if required. There were five people from the original Trust who indicated they would like to stay on. Lisa Sanson, Bronnie Grant, Shelley Lithgow, Tracey Powley, Bernadette Hunt. We had appointed a new Facility Co-ordinator and she was invited to attend meetings going forward to contribute and take minutes. The meeting frequency changed from monthly to quarterly.
January 2018 – The Public Playground was officially opened.
March 2018 – Roles assigned for new Trust going forward. Met quarterly from then on. Governance focus with the Collaboration Committee taking over most of the day to day operational matter.
October 2018 – Capital Items Upgrade including; installation of Heat Pumps in Community Rooms, upgrade of Security Cameras around the building, installation of smoke detectors throughout the building.
November 2019 – Construction of Natural Play Area
Kids Hub Charitable Trust

The Kids Hub Trust is genuinely invested in the growth of the Kids Hub as collaborative organisation. They have the ability to look at the bigger picture of where the Kids Hub is going rather than focusing on a single organisation within the Hub. They are always willing to work with other Trustees on an identified role. As Trustees they set aside the time to read material before meetings and respond to Trust related communication as required in between meetings. All Trustees attend quarterly meetings and other special meetings as required. They all contribute to fundraisers and events on a regular basis.

Thank Our Supporters

Contact Us
Gore Kids Hub
13 Wayland St, Gore
Email us at admin@gorekidshub.org.nz
Phone us on 027 458 4026
PO Box 283, Gore, 9740
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